The content of this website, including our articles (collectively “Website”), is intended solely for informational purposes.  You should not undertake, or abstain from undertaking, any action, based upon the information contained on the Website without first seeking advice from a licensed professional fiduciary.

Although the information on this Website is intended to be accurate, we do not guarantee that it is current, accurate, or complete.  We recommend that you speak with a licensed professional fiduciary about your specific situation rather than rely on any of the information on this Website which may be based on different facts.

To the extent that this Website contains links to other web sites, Santa Barbara Fiduciary does not thereby endorse or approve the content of those websites.

The contents of this Website, including the name Santa Barbara Fiduciary, and the logos used on the Website are protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other jurisdictions. You may not copy any part of the Website for any commercial purposes, and you may not republish any part of the Website.